This is our 12 month program from "The Spanish Classroom by Spanish Play Dates" containing details on 48 themes for all the 12 months of the year.
Our program is designed to immerse your child/ren or students with use of the Spanish language while listening, repeating, singing, and working on activities or crafts.
Each week has a theme with two activity/lessons with vocabulary and material to print or gather at home.
Example of weekly video/lessons:
Depending on the week, this program will require you to print the material attached for each week, or may require you to gather a couple of materials from home.
Most materials needed are from home or school, such as glue, construction paper, popsicle sticks, scissors, markers, etc.
Our themes for each month are:
This program is designed to go with our pre-recorded videos for our full-year program "Spanish At Home Accelerator & The Spanish Classroom" which is meant to help moms and teachers with the exposure of the language in a Spanish immersion style. Our children will listen to the pre-recorded video class and follow the music and instructions given by the teacher. Consider it a type of living the language with a Montessori style too.